Concerns raised over proposed mining operation in Nigel

Ivette du Toit, Bradford Dias, Herman Scholtz and Clr Wollaston Labuschagne have raised their concerns about the impact the mine would have on the area and its residents.
A potential mining operation, which may soon be underway in Nigel, has raised concern among residents.

The project is still in its early stages, with the company currently focused on prospecting for coal.

Among the concerned residents are Bradford Dias, Herman Scholtz, Ivette du Toit and DA Clr Wollaston Labuschagne.

“We believe there will be areas that will affect Nigel and surrounding and neighbouring areas,” said Dias.

“The ecosystem and community could be affected long-term, including air pollution, water quality, biodiversity effects for the area, climate change, health concerns and sinkholes – to name a few.

“The mined areas will be unusable for any other purpose once the operation is complete.

“The areas mentioned will be in and around Ferryvale, Visagie Park and Alra Park.”

Labuschagne believes the mine will not be a good fit for Nigel, and its effects will be detrimental to the area, its residents, and the local ecosystem.

The call is for every community member to get involved.

“Every community member needs to have their say on the matter,” said Labuschagne.

“The first step is to email to either support or object.

“We want the decision process to be above board and that nothing gets swept under the rug.”

Dias added a proper environmental impact study must be done.

23338509-4955-414a-_05424-e1740139507346 Concerns raised over proposed mining operation in Nigel

The proposed mining area in Nigel.

“There are different areas that the proposed mining operations can affect. That includes fauna and flora.

“We also need to consider the health of the community and to protect endangered species.

“We are not against the advancement of Nigel, but feel the mine will have more negative impacts than positive ones.

“Also remember, the rivers and wetlands, including Blesbokspruit and Marievale wetlands that run through Nigel, will feel the effect of the pollution from the mine.

“The Blesbokspruit runs through Nigel and flows south and west past Nigel before joining the Suikerbosrand River. The Suikerbosrand River is a tributary of the Vaal River.

“The property market will take a nosedive if the mine gets the green light.”

Du Toit said many community members purchased the property as an investment, and if the mine receives the go-ahead, the investments will decrease, and people will relocate.

“It is not time to panic or take drastic steps but we must participate in the process and register objections,” said Labuschagne.

“More participation in the process will ensure the powers that be to take the process seriously.”

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