There are few industries as diverse as the water and environmental industry. KELLER, locally represented by INSTROTECH, has sensorscan, found in many varied applications. For instance, Keller senscorscans are used to measure the sea depth, monitor the water pressure at the bottom of dams, calculate flow quantities and regulate water levels.
Keller level sensors are also used to measure static and dynamic levels of water in wells in a reliable and precise manner. Level measurement is of paramount importance, as it provides information on the behaviour of the well and pumping equipment. Suitable measurement and data analysis enable proactive identification of the need for preventive maintenance due to deterioration of the grooved well casing. The greater the encrustation, the less water can enter the well, causing water levels to fall. This reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of the pumps, which in turn increases electricity costs.
Level measurement in conjunction with flow rate measurement also provides information on the status of the pumping equipment and its operational efficiency. Such measurements thus make it possible to diagnose wear and tear on the pumping equipment before it fails completely, and timely maintenance in general helps avoid high repair costs and follow-up expenditure.
Pumping equipment generally cannot tolerate immersion in water. The measurements taken by a pressure sensor can be used as a basis for programming a frequency converter via a PLC (programmable logic controller). In this manner, the pumping equipment protects itself against level fluctuations by regulating the discharge flow.
Installation of a sheath or hose into which a sensor can be inserted ensures correct operation and cable longevity. In the case of relative pressure sensors, it is also advisable to mount a desiccant drying tube at the end of the reference tube to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the sensor.
![V2-12938-INSTROTECH-KELLER-WATER-WELLS-300x184 WHY MEASURE WELL WATER LEVELS?](https://miningfocusafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/V2-12938-INSTROTECH-KELLER-WATER-WELLS-300x184.jpg)
Measurement with data loggers and remote transmission
KELLER offers a wide range of level sensors with a data logger function. This setup allows measurement results to be stored in sensors for long periods of time, which makes it possible to analyse the behaviour of the well over time and thus detect problems more quickly.
The ARC-1 is a refinement of the tried-and-tested GSM-2 remote transmitter. The ARC-1 makes it possible to transmit measurement results and alerts in accordance with individual criteria, which reduces the cost and complexity of data collection and monitoring, even while ensuring an immediate response in the event of an emergency. The ARC-1 transmits data via SMS, e-mail, FTP or LoRa.
Many years of experience in these technologies ensures KELLER offers a broad range of expertise.
Contact INSTROTECH for more information on Keller’s Sensorscan for water and environmental industries on 010 595 1831 or sales@instrotech.co.za
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